14 Aug 2017

19 Active Job Notices in Canada Revenue Agency

Job notice title: Appeals Officer, Appeals WTSO, (Open to CRA employees and eligible veterans and CAF members), Winnipeg, MB Closing date:2017-08-24

Group and level: SP-006
Requisition number: 52202872 Region: Prairie
Language: English Essential
Closing date: 2017-08-24
Job notice title: SP-09 Senior Program Coordinator open to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Employees physically working in the National Capital Region (NCR) at the SP-07 group and level or equivalent or higher level (Amended) Closing date:2017-09-01

Group and level: SP-009
Requisition number: 52453136 Region: HQ - Headquarters
Language: Various linguistic profiles
Closing date: 2017-09-01
Job notice title: SP04, Trust Account Compliance/Collections Contact Officer, Victoria, BC (Open to the General Public) (Amended) Closing date:2017-08-21

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 52461616 Region: Pacific
Language: English Essential
Closing date: 2017-08-21
Job notice title: Excise Tax Auditor/Examiner, GST/HST Audit Division, Edmonton TSO, Winnipeg TSO, and Saskatchewan TSO, Work Locations: Edmonton AB, Calgary AB, Winnipeg MB, Regina SK, and Saskatoon SK (Open to the public) Closing date:2017-08-25

Group and level: SP-006
Requisition number: 52417955 Region: Prairie
Language: English Essential
Closing date: 2017-08-25
Job notice title: Taxpayer Services Agent, Quebec Regional Call Centre (QRCC), Montreal TSO (Open to general public) (Amended) Closing date:2017-08-31

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 52452810 Region: Quebec
Language: Bilingual Imperative
Closing date: 2017-08-31
Job notice title: Various Clerical positions, Winnipeg Tax Centre, Winnipeg, MB (Open to the General Public) Closing date:2017-08-18

Group and level: SP-003
Requisition number: 52449967 Region: Prairie
Language: English Essential
Closing date: 2017-08-18
Job notice title: Project Coordinator (Open to CRA employees AND eligible veterans and members of the Canadian Forces) Closing date:2017-08-22

Group and level: SP-008
Requisition number: 52376683 Region: HQ - Headquarters
Language: Various linguistic profiles
Closing date: 2017-08-22
Job notice title: SP-06 Information and Communication Officer, Information Technology Branch, Ottawa, ON (Open to CRA employees, and to Veterans & Members of the Canadian Forces) (Amended) Closing date:2017-08-18

Group and level: SP-006
Requisition number: 52096969 Region: HQ - Headquarters
Language: Various linguistic profiles
Closing date: 2017-08-18
Job notice title: SP-05, Program Monitor and Training Coordinator / Budget Analysis Officer (Newfoundland and Labrador). (Open to CRA employees and to eligible veterans and members of the Canadian Forces) Closing date:2017-08-17

Group and level: SP-005
Requisition number: 52349594 Region: Atlantic
Language: English Essential
Closing date: 2017-08-17
Job notice title: SP-04, Taxpayer Services Agent, Call Centre, Fraser Valley and Northern Tax Services Office, Surrey, British Columbia, Bilingual Imperative Closing date:2017-08-18

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 51996033 Region: Pacific
Language: Bilingual Imperative
Closing date: 2017-08-18
Job notice title: Taxpayer Services Agent, Southern Alberta Tax Services Office Calgary, AB (Open to the general public) (Amended) Closing date:2017-09-11

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 52064858 Region: Prairie
Language: Bilingual Imperative
Closing date: 2017-09-11
Job notice title: Taxpayer Services Agent, Southern Alberta Tax Services Office Calgary, AB (Open to the general public) (Amended) Closing date:2017-09-11

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 52064649 Region: Prairie
Language: English Essential
Closing date: 2017-09-11
Job notice title: Taxpayer Services Agent, Call Centre, Fraser Valley & Northern Tax Services Office, Surrey, British Columbia, English Essential Closing date:2017-08-18

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 52307909 Region: Pacific
Language: English Essential
Closing date: 2017-08-18
Job notice title: SP05 Complex Recovery Officer & Monitoring/Training Officer - NBTSO - (Open to CRA employees and eligible veterans and members of the Canadian Forces) (Amended) Closing date:2017-08-21

Group and level: SP-005
Requisition number: 52059458 Region: Atlantic
Language: Various linguistic profiles
Closing date: 2017-08-21
Job notice title: SP-04 - Various Positions (Bilingual) (Open to the General Public) (Amended) Closing date:2017-08-25

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 52320742 Region: Atlantic
Language: Bilingual Imperative
Closing date: 2017-08-25
Job notice title: SP-04 Taxpayer Services Agent (Open to the General Public) (Amended) Closing date:2017-08-27

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 52232545 Region: Atlantic
Language: Various linguistic profiles
Closing date: 2017-08-27
Job notice title: Various SP-03 Jobs, Prince Edward Island Tax Centre and Tax Services Office (Open to the General Public) Closing date:2017-08-31

Group and level: SP-003
Requisition number: 51342883 Region: Atlantic
Language: Various linguistic profiles
Closing date: 2017-08-31
Job notice title: Various SP-04 Jobs, Prince Edward Island Tax Centre and Tax Services Office (Open to the General Public) Closing date:2017-08-31

Group and level: SP-004
Requisition number: 51346451 Region: Atlantic
Language: Various linguistic profiles
Closing date: 2017-08-31
Job notice title: Various SP05 jobs , Prince Edward lsland Tax Centre and Tax Services Office (Open to the General Public) Closing date:2017-08-31

Group and level: SP-005
Requisition number: 51251047 Region: Atlantic
Language: Various linguistic profiles
Closing date: 2017-08-31

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